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How do we see?

The eye is like a camera. The ray of light passes through the cornea, then through the small opening in the eye (the pupil) and then through the lens of the eye to reach the retina, which represents the camera film, an inverted image appears, which the eye is looking at, and the retina converts this image into nerve injuries that reach For the brain to convert this inverted image into a moderate image.

Vision is clear if the cornea and lens are collecting light exactly on the surface of the retina and visual defects are the result of corneal failure or The lens collects light on the retina, and the glasses and vision correction processes improve vision by focusing the light gathering on the retina More than 90% of our experiences are acquired through sight, which makes sight one of the five most important senses eye protection.

-Regular eye examination is the basis for maintaining eye health and can protect the eye from almost all injuries.

-Some sports, such as basketball, tennis, and others, carry some risks of eye injury and some activities.

-Home and garden care also thanks to the use of protective eye looks while using industrial detergents and hard work.

Do not look near a bowl of hot water or any hot liquids, or immediately after removing anything from the microwave

-As these fumes can burn the eyes

-Do not use eye medications for another patient

-Do not use other people’s eye make-up and do not wear eye make-up inside the moving car

-When opening any bottle, keep the direction of opening the bottle away from the surrounding people

-To reduce eye pressure for people who sit for long periods at the computer, move your head in different directions

-Different from time to time, put anything that you transfer to the computer next to the screen to reduce eye movement

-Be careful when there are children around you with cigarettes in your hands

-Keep sharp instruments, films, adhesives, chemicals, aerosols, and keys out of children’s reach

-If you feel any eye pain, injury, sudden loss of vision, flashes of light, or any strange eye symptom, go to the eye specialist immediately.

8Millions suffer from eye diseases that threaten them with blindness

14*Millions suffer from visual defects that cannot be corrected by glasses

14*One million diabetics are at risk of blindness

14*Millions have squint or lazy eye or something like that

12*Millions suffer from diseases of the cornea, such as the virus of HIV or dry eyes

11*One million people suffer from blindness due to atrophy of the visual center in the retina

10*Millions suffer from cataracts

5.5*2 million suffer from vision defects due to glaucoma



What is cataract?

It is an opacity that occurs in the lens of the eye, and there are factors that lead to the rapid formation of white water, such as diabetes and some medications.

Injuries resulting from accidents and cataracts may be congenital in which the patient is born and appear in childhood.

What are the symptoms of white water?

Blurring – cloudiness – a constant change in the size of the glasses, and the doctor must determine if the symptoms are the result of cataracts or other diseases.

The eye needs treatment, and the cataract is removed if it interferes with human activities and work, and this varies from person to person. Rarely, complications occur with some types of cataract that may lead to a rise in intraocular pressure, and in this case, the cataract should be removed immediately.

What are the types of white water?

Age-related type, which is the predominant type, Congenital cataract that a child may be born with or appear in childhood may not affect vision, but if it affects To look (dense), it must be removed immediately.

Secondary cataract:

It occurs as a result of some diseases such as diabetes or some medications such as cortisone, Cataract resulting from an accident that may form immediately after it or after several years.

What to expect during the process of removing cataracts?

The process of removing cataracts is one of the most successful and most successful operations carried out in the world

The visual acuity ranges between 6/6 to 6/12 in more than 95% of patients after the operation.

The duration of the operation is usually less than half an hour, and there is no pain, and many patients prefer local anesthesia to the eye only, and an intraocular lens is implanted.

Ultrasound cataract removal, which includes making a small opening in the cornea about 2.5-3.5 m and using a device such as a pencil.

It is entered from this light by breaking the lens into small parts and sucking them at the same time, then implanting the lens from other ways.

To correct vision, there are also modern types of lenses that work to correct vision at long and near distances As for the time during which the patient can return to work after the operation, it depends on the type of operation and the degree of tissue healing that varies from sick to another One of the methods used to remove cataracts.

-Removing the cataract through a small light after breaking it into small pieces

-Removing the lens one block through a larger aperture.

-Completely remove the lens and case, which are rarely used now.

-In some cases, after the cataract surgery, a mist is formed on the back cover of the lens, and in this case, a laser session is needed to work.

-Light in this membrane so that the vision is completely clear afterwards.


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      We are pleased to provide our distinguished services to you through several branches

      equipped with the best and latest medical technologies.

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